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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院;植物生理生态研究所;中国植物生理学会

人气 8366


植物生理与分子生物学学报 2010年第01期杂志 文档列表

关键词: 植物代谢;  新陈代谢;  生化反应;  amp;  
Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis第2-20页
关键词: 生物合成;  转移酶;  代谢物;  大环内脂族;  
Intracellular Metabolite Transporters in Plants第21-53页
关键词: 植物细胞膜;  转运功能;  细胞内;  代谢物;  真核细胞;  膜系统;  溶质运输;  分类系统;  
Recent Progress in Deciphering the Biosynthesis of Aspartate-Derived Amino Acids in Plants第54-65页
关键词: 必需氨基酸;  生物合成;  植物;  天冬氨酸;  衍生;  天门冬氨酸;  解读;  氨基酸营养;  
Developmental and Feedforward Control of the Expression of Folate Biosynthesis Genes in Tomato Fruit第66-77页
关键词: 生物合成基因;  前馈控制;  番茄果实;  叶酸;  发育调控;  微阵列分析;  发育过程;  开发过程;  
The Formation of Anthocyanic Vacuolar Inclusions in Arabidopsis thaliana and Implications for the Sequestration of Anthocyanin Pigments第78-90页
关键词: 色素积累;  拟南芥;  花色苷;  泡包;  avi文件;  叶表皮细胞;  自噬作用;  花青素;  
The ARABIDOPSIS Accession Pna-10ls a Naturally Occurring sngl Deletion Mutant第91-100页
关键词: pna;  拟南芥;  天然;  
PLEIOTROPIC REGULATORY LOCUS 1 (PRL1) Integrates the Regulation of Sugar Responses with Isoprenoid Metabolism in Arabidopsis第101-112页
关键词: 类异戊二烯;  拟南芥;  调控;  反应;  代谢;  集成;  糖;  
The Strawberry Fruit Fra a Allergen Functions in Flavonoid Biosynthesis第113-124页
关键词: 黄酮类化合物;  草莓果实;  原函数;  过敏;  合成;  
Metabolomic Screening Applied to Rice FOX Arabidopsis Lines Leads to the Identification of a Gene-Changing Nitrogen Metabolism第125-142页
关键词: 代谢物组学;  水稻基因;  筛选系统;  基因变化;  技术鉴定;  拟南芥;  氮代谢;  佛罗里达州;  
Farnesylcysteine Lyase Regulation of Abscisic Arabidopsis is Involved in Negative Acid Signaling in第143-155页
关键词: 裂解酶;  拟南芥;  信号;  负调控;  脱落酸;  酸性;  基因编码;  反应活性;  
Mild Reductions in Mitochondrial NAD- Dependent Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Activity Result in Altered Nitrate Assimilation and Piqmentation But Do Not Impact Growth第156-173页
关键词: 异柠檬酸脱氢酶;  硝酸盐;  线粒体;  同化;  转基因番茄;  tca循环;  蚀变;  辅酶;  
Transcriptional Control of SET DOMAIN GROUP 8 and CAROTENOID ISOMERASE during Arabidopsis Development第174-191页
关键词: 类胡萝卜素;  异构酶;  set;  拟南芥;  花椰菜花叶病毒;  染色体位置效应;  控制;  转录;  
Metabolomic, Transcriptional, Hormonal, and Signaling Cross-Talk in Superroot2第192-211页
关键词: 代谢物组学;  信号串扰;  转录;  激素;  
Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 14 (UBP14) Is Involved in Root Responses to Phosphate Deficiency in Arabidopsis第212-223页
关键词: 拟南芥;  蛋白酶;  异性;  泛素;  磷缺乏;  根系;  基因编码;  突变体;