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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院;植物生理生态研究所;中国植物生理学会

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植物生理与分子生物学学报 2008年第06期杂志 文档列表

Initiation of Programmed Cell Death in Self-Incompatibility: Role for Cytoskeleton Modifications and Several Caspase-Like Activities第879-887页
关键词: 细胞;  不亲和性;  骨架;  蛋白酶;  生物活性;  
Arabidopsis Mutants and the Network of M icrotu bu le-Associated Functions第888-898页
关键词: 细胞分裂;  遗传学;  拟南芥突变体;  基因;  遗传技术;  
Cell Polarity Signaling: Focus on Polar Auxin Transport第899-909页
关键词: 分泌物;  蛋白质;  细胞;  极性信号;  生长素;  
Suppression of Soybean Oleosin Produces Micro-Oil Bodies that Aggregate into Oil Body/ER Complexes第910-924页
关键词: 大豆;  雌激素;  受体复合物;  细胞;  基因;  
The Ultrastructure of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Mutant Strain Lacking Phytoene Synthase Resembles that of a Colorless Alga第925-937页
关键词: 超微结构;  衣藻;  番茄红素;  合成酶;  藻类;  
Targeting of Vacuolar Membrane Localized Members of the TPK Channel Family第938-949页
关键词: 液泡膜;  激酶;  拟南芥;  雌激素;  
Mitotic Spindle Organization by the Preprophase Band第950-960页
关键词: 有丝分裂;  微管;  细胞;  纺锤体;  
Overexpression of Arabidopsis Sorting Nexin AtSNX2b Inhibits Endocytic Trafficking to the Vacuole第961-976页
关键词: 拟南芥;  蛋白酶;  液泡;  荧光蛋白;  
Identification and Preliminary Characterization of a New Chemical Affecting Glucosyltransferase Activities Involved in Plant Cell Wall Biosynthesis第977-989页
关键词: 葡糖基;  转移酶;  植物;  细胞壁;  生物合成技术;  
Plasma Membrane-Associated SCAR Complex Subunits Promote Cortical F-Actin Accumulation and Normal Growth Characteristics in Arabidopsis Roots第990-1006页
关键词: 血浆膜;  皮层肌动蛋白;  生长特性;  拟南芥根;  
An Rh1-GFP Fusion Protein Is in the Cytoplasmic Membrane of a White Mutant Strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii第1007-1020页
关键词: 衣藻;  二氧化碳;  荧光促进剂;  蛋白质;  白色突变株;  
RIP1 (ROP Interactive Partner 1)/ICR1 Marks Pollen Germination Sites and May Act in the ROP1 Pathway in the Control of Polarized Pollen Growth第1021-1035页
关键词: 花粉;  生长因素;  细胞;  皮质;  
FISSION 1A and FISSION 1 B Proteins Mediate the Fission of Peroxisomes and Mitochondria in Arabidopsis第1036-1047页
关键词: 过氧物酶体;  线粒体;  蛋白质;  裂变细胞;  
ABP41 is Involved in the Pollen Tube Development via Fragmenting Actin Filaments第1048-1055页
关键词: 肌动蛋白;  蛋白质;  花粉管;  细胞;  生物技术;  
Cellular and Molecular Requirements for Polar PIN Targeting and Transcytosis in Plants第1056-1066页
关键词: 细胞溶质;  蛋白质;  植物;  分子结构;