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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院昆明植物研究所;中国植物学会

人气 6346

植物分类与资源学报 2017年第01期杂志 文档列表

Trait-based representation of hydrological functional properties of plants in weather and ecosystem models第1-12页
Landscape genetics reveals inbreeding and genetic bottlenecks in the extremely rare short-globose cacti Mammillaria pectinifera (Cactaceae) as a result of habitat fragmentation第13-19页
Rainforests north of the Tropic of Cancer: Physiognomy, floristics and diversity in 'lowland rainforests' of Meghalaya, India第20-36页
Phylogenetic pattern of alpine plants along latitude and longitude in Hengduan Mountains Region第37-43页
Genetic structure and demographic history of Cycas chenii (Cycadaceae), an endangered species with extremely small populations第44-51页
Floral characteristics and pollination ecology of Manglietia ventii (Magnoliaceae), a plant species with extremely small populations (PSESP) endemic to South Yunnan of China第52-59页
Levels of rhizome endophytic fungi fluctuate in Paris polyphyUa var. yunnanensis as plants age第60-64页