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艺术研究 2018年第05期杂志 文档列表

Elements of China in Walter Benjamin’s The Arcades Project第705-713页
关键词: walter;  benjamin;  the;  arcades;  project;  elements;  of;  china;  
Briefing of the Research on the Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons in Soviet Russia in the 20th Century第714-728页
关键词: 20th;  century;  russia;  the;  soviet;  union;  and;  literary;  mind;  review;  
Butterfly:Zizek's Mirror Image of Ancient China第729-738页
关键词: zizek;  chinese;  culture;  confucius;  chuang;  tzu;  
Detour and Access,Deleuze and Guattari’s Researches on Chinese Immanent Becoming第739-749页
关键词: deleuze;  guattari;  rhizome;  becoming;  immanence;  
Chinese Images in Rudolf Arnheim’s Art Psychology:From“T’ai-chi tu”to Others第750-762页
关键词: arnheim;  art;  psychology;  chinese;  images;  tu;  
The Rise of China with Cultural Soft Power in the Age of Globalization第763-778页
关键词: chinese;  culture;  soft;  power;  cultural;  influence;  diplomacy;  globalization;  
Beyond“Exoticism”:Strategies for Constructing the Images of China in Western Movies第779-786页
关键词: exoticism;  western;  movies;  imagination;  of;  china;  
From Political Practice Discourse to Cultural Interpretation Strategy:An Example of Fredric Jameson’s Aesthetic Application of Mao Zedong’s Thoughts第787-799页
关键词: fredric;  jameson;  mao;  zedong;  the;  political;  unconsciousness;  
Subjectivity and Difference as Missing Aspects in Un Sage est Sans idée第800-807页
关键词: intention;  differences;  unity;  
The Negotiation between Greenblatt and Jameson on Politics and Poetics in Contemporary China第808-817页
关键词: stephen;  greenblatt;  fredric;  jameson;  politics;  poetics;  of;  culture;  political;  unconscious;  contemporary;  china;