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艺术研究 2018年第03期杂志 文档列表

An Analysis of the Architectures in Hardy' s Tess of the d'Urbervilles第351-358页
关键词: 体系结构;  论文分析;  维多利亚;  相互作用;  建筑师;  bom;  托马斯;  文学;  
Dissolving Temporal Sequence: Spatial Form in James Joyce's Ulysses ("Nausicaa" Episode)第359-365页
关键词: 溶解时间;  空间形式;  事件;  弗兰克;  现代主义;  空间关系;  持续时间;  同时性;  
Localization of Free Verse in China: A Case Study of Bing Xin's Short Poems第366-372页
关键词: 本地化;  免费;  中国;  翻译程序;  案例;  相互作用;  文学;  文化;  
Subversion of Patriarchy: Intertextuality in Carol Ann Duffy's The WorM's Wife第373-377页
关键词: 社会;  父系;  蠕虫;  菲;  lgbt;  女人;  获奖者;  运动;  
Geopoetical Analysis of Livonia During The Great Northern War Based on The Last Novik A Historical Novel by Ivan Lazhechnikov第378-383页
关键词: 小说;  历史;  战争;  相互作用;  文化活动;  地理空间;  分析图;  艺术品;  
A Picture of "Subjective Reality"" A Narrative Analysis of Virginia Woolf's "The Mark on the Wall"第384-388页
关键词: 弗吉尼亚;  图画;  墙;  内部集;  传统;  焦点;  解说;  时空;  
Historical Memory and Cultural Nostalgia of Longtang's Rebuilt in Shanghai第389-402页
关键词: 文化保护;  历史;  中国城市;  遗产保护;  记忆;  上海;  社会建设;  居住空间;  
The African Cultural Worldview and the Concept of Conflict Resolution through Yoruba-French Proverbs: A Case Study of Olaoye Abioye's Translated Proverbs in Le Preux chasseur dans la forOt infestOe de dOmons第403-411页
关键词: 分辨率;  谚语;  非洲;  翻译;  文化;  la;  案例;  智慧;  
Characteristic Town: The Effective Path of New-type Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics Based on the Investigation of Intemet Town Wuzheng, Aficion Chocolate Town Jiashan, Photovoltaic Town Xiuzhou in Zhejiang第412-416页
关键词: 有效路径;  都市化;  巧克力;  浙江;  光电;  特征;  中国;  因特网;  
An Analysis of Power Desire of Iago in Shakespeare's Othello From Psychological Perspectives第417-421页
关键词: 莎士比亚;  心理;  欲望;  分析特性;  愿望;  人物;  显示;  悲剧;  
The Role of EFL/ESL Teachers' Idiosyncratic Knowledge Base in Their Professional Development in the Postmethod Premise第422-436页
关键词: 知识库;  教师;  职业;  房屋;  理想化;  教育学;  论文;  学习;  
A Study of the E-C Translation for the Modal Verbs in the Berne Convention第437-444页
关键词: 翻译;  动词;  中华人民共和国;  中国;  多类型;  版权;  权利;  法律;  
Metonymy Research in Cognitive Linguistics第445-451页
关键词: 语言学;  西方国家;  认知观;  修辞;  分类;  
A Study on Speech Breathing Mechanism of Zhuang Language第452-456页
关键词: 呼吸信号;  机制;  语言;  时间;  
A Case Study of Intercultural Interventions for Chinese University Students During Study Abroad Program in the University of Minnesota第457-464页
关键词: 明尼苏达;  文化;  大学;  国外;  学习;  中国;  学生;  节目;