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关键词: 老年冠心病  无症状心肌缺血  心肌缺血阈  分析  coronary  artery  disease  myocardial  ischemia  临床意义  检测  发作持续时间  smi  mit  动态心电图  最大位移  心率增快  心率加快  缺血时间  临床评估  方法  发生规律  正相关  
2010年第05期 《实用心电学》
关键词: 冠心病  恶性室性心律失常  关系  coronary  artery  disease  ventricular  arrhythmia  导联  统计学意义  心率校正  冠心痛  指标  预测  结果  方法  差异  
2010年第05期 《实用心电学》
关键词: bitter  gourd  leaf  spot  disease  identification  bipolaris  bicolor  
2019年第05期 《植物病理学报》
Physalin B reduce secretion of Aβ by inhibiting phosphorylation of STAT3 via down-regulated expression of β-secretase and γ-secretase第426-427页
关键词: alzheimer  disease  physalin  b  protein  bace1  ps1  stat3  
CA-30,an active fraction derived from Liuwei Dihuang Decoction,ameliorates cognitive deterioration via intestinal microbiome第654-655页
关键词: alzheimer  disease  oligosaccharide  samp8  intestinal  microbiome  cognition  neuroendocrine  immunomodulation  
Total glucosides of paeony alleviates Sjogren syndrome through inhibiting inflammatory responses in mice第687-688页
关键词: total  glucosides  of  paeony  sjogren  syndrome  inflammatory  autoimmune  disease  cytokine  
Neuroprotective profiles of anti-aging gene Klotho in Alzheimer disease mouse model第431-431页
关键词: klotho  alzheimer  disease  transgenic  mouse  
Novel anti-AD dimeric leads:from relieving symptoms to modifying diseases via multi-targets第412-412页
关键词: alzheimer  disease  dimeric  leads  relieving  symptoms  modifying  diseases  
Pharmacological effects of icariin and icariinriside on central nervous system第405-406页
关键词: icariin  icariinriside  alzheimer  disease  parkinson  vascular  dementia  cerebral  ischemia  cell  protection  
Pharmacological effects of icariin and icariinriside on central nervous system第405-406页
关键词: icariin  icariinriside  alzheimer  disease  parkinson  vascular  dementia  cerebral  ischemia  cell  protection  
FCPR16 induces AMPK-dependent autophagy and provides neuroprotection in SH-SY5Y cells and neurons exposed to MPP~+-induced oxidative damage第460-461页
关键词: phosphodiesterase  4  fcpr16  oxidative  stress  mitochondrial  membrane  potential  parkinson  disease  
Tetramethylpyrazine analogue T-006 promotes clearance of alpha-synuclein by enhancing proteasome activity in Parkinson disease models第658-659页
关键词: degradation  lmp7  proteasome  activity  parkinson  disease  
Modulating balance of synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDA receptors as strategy for Alzheimer disease drug discovery第404-404页
关键词: alzheimer  disease  glu  n2a  n2b  ifenprodil  drug  discovery  
Activation of α7 nAChR by PNU improves synaptic and cognitive function through restoring the expression of synaptic-associated proteins第474-475页
关键词: nachr  peptide  synaptic  signalling  pathway  alzheimer  disease  
Osthole prevents cognitive impairment through modulating neuron cells in Aβ25-35-injected mice第417-418页
关键词: osthole  alzheimer  disease  spatial  learning  and  memory  
Advances in extracellular space and immunotherapy of pre-clinical stage of Alzheimer disease第412-413页
关键词: alzheimer  disease  extracellular  plaques  immunotherapy  clearance  autophagy  
Engineering Cells and Tissue for Studying Development and Disease第37-37页
关键词: engineering  cells  tissue  for  studying  development  disease  
2019年第A01期 《医用生物力学》
Morphometric Studies of Human Coronary Artery Trees in Healthy and Disease第118-119页
关键词: morphometric  studies  human  coronary  artery  trees  healthy  and  disease  
2019年第A01期 《医用生物力学》