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Novel anti-AD dimeric leads:from relieving symptoms to modifying diseases via multi-targets

作者:HAN; Yi-fan; HU; Sheng-quan; Marvin; M...alzheimerdiseasedimericleadsrelievingsymptomsmodifyingdiseases

摘要:Alzheimer disease(AD) has now become the most common brain disorder among the older population. In addition, the currently existing therapeutics only offer temporary symptomatic relieves. Therefore, further research and development of more efficacious and disease-modifying agents for the prevention, treatment and restoration of AD will have tremendous value from both scientific, and economic standpoints. Over the past few years, our series of studies have identified several highly promising anti-AD dimeric leads, with disease-modifying potentials. In this presentation, the latest progress on the neuroprotective and disease modifying effects and the underlying mechanisms of those candidates will be comprehensively illustrated and discussed.



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