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生殖医学 2011年第B12期杂志 文档列表

Randomized, blind, parallel-controlled and multiple-centre clinical trial on the efficacy and safety of sustained-released leuprolide acetate in the treatment of endometriosis第1-7页
关键词: 子宫内膜异位症;  注射治疗;  安全性;  醋酸;  持续释放;  临床试验;  随机;  疗效;  
Vaginal hysterectomy or laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy for enlarged myomatous uterus: a randomized clinical trial第8-12页
关键词: 子宫切除术;  随机分配;  腹腔镜;  临床试验;  阴道;  重链可变区;  节约成本;  手术方法;  
Effect of age on body composition in healthy Beijing women第13-18页
关键词: 身体健康;  组成分布;  年龄;  妇女;  北京;  质量指数;  体重指数;  骨矿物含量;  
Blastocyst development potential of D3 low quality embryos第19-22页
关键词: 胚胎移植;  囊胚发育;  低质量;  发展潜力;  维生素d3;  胚胎培养;  形成率;  icsi;  
Application of human growth hormone to patients with polycystic ovary syndrome during in vitro fertilization第23-26页
关键词: 重组人生长激素;  多囊卵巢综合征;  体外受精;  患者;  应用;  综合症;  荷尔蒙;  胚胎移植;  
Surveys of serum reproductive hormone levels and the prevalence rates of late onset of hypogonadism in Chinese aging males第27-32页
关键词: 血清生殖激素;  激素水平;  患病率;  中老年;  迟发性;  男性;  性腺;  中国;  
Excessive additive iodine intake reduces sperm production and induces sperm deformity in male rats in early development第33-39页
关键词: 精子畸形;  雄性大鼠;  添加剂;  摄入量;  盐碘;  早期发展;  精子生成;  生殖器官;  
Diagnosis and treatment of male infertility associated with immotile cilia syndrome: a report of 6 cases第40-45页
关键词: 男性不育症;  综合征;  纤毛;  治疗;  诊断;  精子活力;  y染色体微缺失;  icsi;  
Genetic diagnosis of Huntington's disease: cases report第46-50页
关键词: 基因诊断;  病例报告;  聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳;  cag重复;  dna测序;  聚合酶链反应;  等位基因;  pcr;  
LM23 may regulate the G1/S and G2/M transitions of the cell cycle in rat spermatogenesis第51-56页
关键词: 精子发生过程;  细胞周期;  大鼠模型;  g2;  s期;  生物学功能;  基因敲除;  基因芯片;  
Construction of the recombinant adenovirus vectors of CALB2 gene and small interfering RNA, and application in testicular Leydig cells第57-65页
关键词: 重组腺病毒载体;  睾丸间质细胞;  小干扰rna;  基因片段;  western印迹法;  逆转录聚合酶链反应;  sirna;  293细胞;  
In-vitro maturation treatment for infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome第66-70页
关键词: 多囊卵巢综合征;  体外成熟;  不孕;  妇女;  治疗;  诱导排卵;  辅助生殖;  综合症;  
Effects of short gamete co-incubation in human in vitro fertilization第71-74页
关键词: 体外受精;  配子;  孵化;  人类;  卵母细胞;  培养周期;  培养时间;  临床效果;  
Control of polyspermic fertilization in short-term insemination第75-78页
关键词: 人工授精;  短期;  施肥;  胚胎发育;  体外受精;  卵母细胞;  卵丘细胞;  控制;  
Contraceptive vaginal ring (NuvaRing)-a novel, convenient and effective contraceptive option第79-84页
关键词: 避孕方法;  阴道;  选项;  生物相容性;  荷尔蒙;  炔雌醇;  安全性;  coc;