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International Journal of Sediment Research杂志是合规期刊吗?

来源:学术之家整理 2024-04-01 15:27:522人看过

《International Journal of Sediment Research》杂志于1986年经国家新闻出版总署批准正式创刊,由水利部主管的一本拥有双刊号:CN:11-2699/P,ISSN:1001-6279的地质类合规期刊


一、怎样判定International Journal of Sediment Research杂志是否为正刊



二、International Journal of Sediment Research杂志详情


栏目方向:related to geography, geomorphology, soil erosion, sediment yield, soil conservation, environmental and ecological impacts of sedimentation, social and economic effects of sedimentation and its assessment


1. Manuscript

Original papers should be submitted in triplicate to the Editorial Board of the Journal.  Only original papers will be accepted, and copyright of published papers will be vested with the publisher.  English is used in the International Journal of Sediment Research.  It is desirable to submit the paper in a disk, processed in Microsoft word or Word perfect.

2. Text

Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced with wide margin on one side of the paper.  Normally contributions should not exceed 10,000 word-equivalent and short notes 5,000 words (figure legends included).  Authors names and page numbers should be written on all sheets of the manuscript and illustrations.

Mathematical symbols may be either typewritten or printed carefully.  Greek letters and unusual symbols should be identified separately in the margin.  The letter symbols used should be defined where they first appear in figures, tables or text.

3. Title

The title should be brief.  The authors'' names should be typed on the line below the title, the present employment should be typed on the footnote.

4. Abstract

The body of manuscript should be preceded by abstract with the maximum length of 300 words for a full length article.  It should be intelligible in itself without depending on references cited.  A list of key words should be provided by the authors.

5. Illustrations and Figures

Good glossy print (or original negatives) should accompany the manuscript and should not be attached to the manuscript paper.  Photographs should be enlarged sufficiently to permit clear reproduction in half-tone after reduction.

Figures should be drawn in black ink on tracing material which does not stretch.

Drawings should be about twice final reproduction.  The final size of lettering should be no smaller than 1.5 mm high.

Figure legends should be typed on a separate sheet and placed at the end of the manuscript.

International System units should be used throughout the paper.

6. Tables

Tables should be numbered consecutively and titled.  All table columns should have an explanation of each table and contents of table must appear in the text.

7. References

All references should be arranged in alphabetical order of the author''s names and grouped together in the end of the paper.  An example of reference is given as follows:

Chien Ning. 1985, Changes in river regime after the construction of upstream reservoirs.  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.  Vol. 10, pp. 15-22.

Book references should be given as follows:

Blench T. 1969, Mobile-bed fluviology, The University of Alberta Press.

8. Discussions and Closure

Discussion of a paper is open to anyone who has significant comments or questions regarding the content of the paper.  Submissions of discussions should be made not later than twelve months following the publication of a paper.  They should be sent to the Editorial Board.

When there is a discussion of paper, its authors is requested to submit a closure, which may include comments on discussers'' remarks and clarification of questions raised.

9. Reprints

Thirty reprints of each paper will be provided free-of-charge.  Additional copies in multiples of a hundred may be ordered separately.

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