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Traditional Chinese medicine nursing protocols for colorectal cancer


摘要:he incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer(CRC)are on the rise in China and rank the fifth in all malignant cancers,which may result from the increasingly aging population and unhealthy lifestyles.At present,the major treatment methods for CRC include laparoscopic surgery,radiotherapy and neoadjuvant and palliative chemotherapies,but they all have the limited impact on cure rates and long-term survival.Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)plays important roles in preventing recurrence and metastasis,improving the quality of life and prolonging the survival of patients with advanced CRC after radical operations.Thereby,this article mainly explored the key points of common syndromes,TCM nursing methods and health guidance of CRC in order to further develop the advantages of TCM,improve its efficacy and standardized its nursing behavior.



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