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Elastoplastic numerical analysis of layered soil foundation under the rectangular shallow footing subjected to vertical load

作者:ZHU; Ai-jun; ZENG; Xiang-yong; DENG; A...弹性塑料数字分析分层地基浅基础沉降技术

摘要:Finite and infinite coupled element method was used to analyze the strength and deformation in layered soil foundation which was under the rectangular shallow footing subjected to vertical loads. In the numerical analysis, the footing was assumed to be elastic; the soil was assumed to be elastoplastic and the Drucker-Prager constitutive model was applied to describe its mechanic behavior. Corresponding program was employed to compute six kinds of layered soil foundations constituted by different soil layers. The conclusions which are useful in the theory and practice were made according to the analysis of the computation results.



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