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Electrochemical potential at the interface between carbon nanotubes and electrolyte

作者:LUJian-wei; WANGWan-lu; WUZi-hua; WANG...碳纳米棒电解电化学电位场效应纳米结构

摘要:The dependences of electrochemical potential at the interface between carbon nanotubes and electrolyte upon temperature and electrolyte concentration are studied. Carbon nanotubes were synthesized by hot filament chemical vapor deposition with Si as the substrate. Four substances were tested: NaCl solution, KCl solution, water and alcohol. It is found that for NaCl and KCl solutions, at the interface, there is a large electrochemical potential which increases with temperature and is larger for an electrolyte of higher concentration. There is a significant field effect of carbon nanotubes with electrolyte as the gate,and the effect depends on the ionizability of the electrolyte. Such physicochemical property invests carbon nanotube a potential application in nanoelectronics.



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