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作者:李志明; 朱凤蓉; 张子斌; 邓虎; 翟利华; ...laserresonanceionizationmassspectrometrylutetiumisotoperatio

摘要:Technique of lutetium isotopic analysis by laser resonance ionization mass spectrometry(LRIMS) was developed in the presence of isobaric interference. In the case of real sample, the elemental selectivity was better than 8×105, and the detection efficiency was 8.3×10-5. The technique of wavelength scanning method was set up in order that the accurate isotopic ratio could be determined. And the numerical computational method was provided to calculate the correct factor of isotopic ratio. Using this technique, the isotopic ratio measured by LRIMS is in good agreement with standard value measured by TIMS.



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