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作者:张伟国; 陈姗姗; 高金山; 李重九玉米三唑酮农药残留含量测定杀菌剂

摘要:A residue method is described for simultaneous analysis of triadimefon,triadimenol-a,triadimenol-b in corn. The pesticides were extracted using acetonitrile from sample. Most lipids in co-extractives were removed by liquid-liquid extraction and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). lutein was removed using solid-phase extraction (SPE) on a LC-ENVI-Carb column. The pesticides were finally determined by gas chromatographymass spectrometry in selective-ion mode (SIM) simultaneously. The average recoveries for most pesticides (spiked level 0.05, 0. 5 and 2μg/g) were in the range of 90%-110%.The coefficient of variation (CV) of the method was lower than 10% in every case..



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