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Analysis of longitudinal forces of coupler devices in emergency braking process for heavy haul trains

作者:高广军; 陈威; 张洁; 董海鹏; 邹翔; 李健...heavyhaultraincouplerdevicelongitudinalforceemergencybrakingstiffnessvibratormass

摘要:To reduce the longitudinal coupler forces of heavy haul trains and improve the running safety, the velocity method and New-mark method were used for the coupler simulation and numerical integration, and a numerical model on the longitudinal dynamics of heavy haul trains was established. Validation was performed against the experimental data. Using this model, the emergency braking process for a combined marshalling heavy haul train was investigated to obtain the distributions of the longitudinal compressive forces and strokes of coupler devices. Then, the influences of the initial braking velocity, the synchronization time of master and slave locomotives, the coupler stiffness and the vibrator mass on the longitudinal forces and strokes were analyzed. The results show that it should be avoided that the emergency braking starts at a low initial speed. Keeping synchronism between master locomotive and slave locomotives effectively helps to reduce the longitudinal forces. Reducing the coupler stiffness appropriately and adding rigid arm connections, the longitudinal vibration frequency can be brought down and the longitudinal forces will be decreased, which improves the running safety of heavy haul trains. All of these research results can provide a reference for the operation and development of heavy haul trains.



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