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Energy-efficient virtual machine consolidation algorithm in cloud data centers

作者:周舟; 胡志刚; 于俊洋; Jemal; Abawajy; ...cloudcomputingenergyconsumptionlinearweightedmethodvirtualmachineconsolidationselectionalgorithm

摘要:Cloud data centers consume a multitude of power leading to the problem of high energy consumption. In order to solve this problem, an energy-efficient virtual machine (VM) consolidation algorithm named PVDE (prediction-based VM deployment algorithm for energy efficiency) is presented. The proposed algorithm uses linear weighted method to predict the load of a host and classifies the hosts in the data center, based on the predicted host load, into four classes for the purpose of VMs migration. We also propose four types of VM selection algorithms for the purpose of determining potential VMs to be migrated. We performed extensive performance analysis of the proposed algorithms. Experimental results show that, in contrast to other energy-saving algorithms, the algorithm proposed in this work significantly reduces the energy consumption and maintains low service level agreement (SLA)violations.



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