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Corrosion behavior of SiC foam ceramic reinforced Al-23Si composites in NaCl solution

作者:诸建彬; 闫洪; 叶何远; 艾凡荣泡沫碳化硅陶瓷复合材料nacl溶液腐蚀行为扫描电子显微镜分析铝基复合材料铝合金制备x射线衍射

摘要:SiC foam ceramic reinforced aluminum matrix composites(SFCAMCs)were prepared by squeeze casting aluminum alloy(Al-23Si)into the SiC foam ceramic with different pore sizes,and the corrosion behavior of the SFCAMCs was studied in NaCl solutions.Static immersion corrosion tests were conducted at 20°C,50°C and 80°C,respectively.Corrosion morphology and products were analyzed by scanning electron microscope,energy dispersive system and X-ray diffraction.It was found that the corrosion rate of SFCAMCs increases as the temperature rising,and the bigger pore size of SiC foam ceramic reinforcement,the better corrosion resistance of SFCAMCs.



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