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Particle swarm optimization algorithm for simultaneous optimal placement and sizing of shunt active power conditioner(APC) and shunt capacitor in harmonic distorted distribution system

作者:Mohammadi; Mohammad粒子群优化算法并联电容器并联型有源电力滤波器变配电系统谐波失真apcs优化布置电能质量

摘要:Due to development of distribution systems and increase in electricity demand,the use of capacitor banks increases.From the other point of view,nonlinear loads generate and inject considerable harmonic currents into power system.Under this condition if capacitor banks are not properly selected and placed in the power system,they could amplify and propagate these harmonics and deteriorate power quality to unacceptable levels.With attention of disadvantages of passive filters,such as occurring resonance,nowadays the usage of this type of harmonic compensator is restricted.On the other side,one of parallel multi-function compensating devices which are recently used in distribution system to mitigate voltage sag and harmonic distortion,performs power factor correction,and improves the overall power quality as active power conditioner(APC).Therefore,the utilization of APC in harmonic distorted system can affect and change the optimal location and size of shunt capacitor bank under harmonic distortion condition.This paper presents an optimization algorithm for improvement of power quality using simultaneous optimal placement and sizing of APC and shunt capacitor banks in radial distribution networks in the presence of voltage and current harmonics.The algorithm is based on particle swarm optimization(PSO).The objective function includes the cost of power losses,energy losses and those of the capacitor banks and APCs.



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