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Performance-based passive control analysis of adjacent structures:Optimization of Maxwell dampers

作者:吴巧云; 代健州; 朱宏平结构被动控制性能目标优化参数阻尼器钢筋混凝土框架相邻结构阻尼参数

摘要:The performance-based passive control analysis of the Maxwell dampers between one 10-story and one 6-story adjacent RC frames is conducted in this work.Not only the optimal parameters but also the optimal arrangements of the Maxwell dampers are proposed based on the optimal target of making the total exceeding probability of the adjacent structures to be minimal.The applicability of the analytical expressions of the Maxwell damper damping parameters under different seismic performance targets are firstly examined and then the preferable damping parameters of the Maxwell dampers are proposed through the extensive parametric studies.Furthermore,the optimal arranging positions and optimal arranging numbers of the Maxwell dampers between the adjacent buildings are derived based on a large number of seismic fragility analyses,as well.The general arranging laws of the Maxwell dampers between the adjacent buildings are generated based on the discussion of the theoretical method through the simplified plane model.The optimal parameters and optimal arrangement of the Maxwell dampers presented make both the adjacent structures have preferable controlled effects under each seismic performance target which can satisfy the requirements of multi-performance seismic resistance of the modern seismic codes.



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