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Transgression regression event element geochemistry records of southwestern Fujian in Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic

作者:许中杰 程日辉 张莉 王嘹亮southwesternfujianearlymesozoicnorthernsouthchinaseaelementgeochemistrychangecomparison

摘要:Southwest Fujian area has experienced a large-scale transgression regression cycle in Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic and the maximum transgression has taken place in Early Jurassic. The migration and enrichment of geochemical element in the continuous fine-grained sediments in the basin recorded the paleosalinity and the paleodepth. The changes of paleosalinity and paleodepth indicate the sea(lake) level relative change in every period of Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic in southwestern Fujian. The relative change curve of sea(lake) level in southwestern Fujian is established based on the m value(m=100×w(MgO)/w(Al2 O3)) and the ratios of w(B)/w(Ga), w(Sr)/w(Ba) and w(Ca)/w(Mg). The curve indicates that level I sea-level relative change in southwestern Fujian is composed of the transgression in Late Triassic-Early Jurassic and the regression in the late period of Early Jurassic-Middle Jurassic. The level III sea-level relative change is frequent, which is composed by the lake level descent lake level rise lake level descent of Wenbin Shan formation in Late Triassic, the regression transgression regression of Lishan formation in Early Jurassic and the lake level rise lake level descent-lake level rise lake level descent of Zhangping formation in Middle Jurassic. The transgression regression cycle in southwestern Fujian is significantly controlled by the sea-level change in the north of South China Sea. The relative change curve trends of the level I sea-level in the north of South China Sea and the one in southwestern Fujian are the same. The maximum transgressions both occur in Early Jurassic. The level III sea-level curve reflects the fluctuation of a transgression and two regressions in the early period of Early Jurassic.



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