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Applicability of sewage heat pump air-conditioning system

作者:陈金华 刘猛 刘勇 靳鸣 陈洁sewageheatpumpairconditioningsystemnumericalcalculationenergyefficiencyenvironmentalfriendliness

摘要:A sewage heat pump system and its application based on a project in Chongqing,China,were discussed. Based on the sewage conditions,a feasibility analysis of the sewage heat pump air conditioning system was conducted. The theoretical and quantitative calculations indicate that sewage flux in the city sewage main pipe in the project can satisfy heat exchange requirements,and taking water from the pipes has relatively small influence on the pipe net in summer and winter. The sewage heat pump air-conditioning system can save 21.5% operating cost in one year,which is energy efficient and environmentally friendly.



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