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Conformal optimal design and processing of extruding die cavity

作者:齐红元 陈科山 杜凤山extrusionformingelectricaldischargemachingdiecavityverticalcurveconformalmapping

摘要:Aimed at the optimal analysis and processing technology of die cavity of special-shaped products extrusion, by numerical analysis of trigonometric interpolation and Conformal Mapping theory, on the non-circle cross-section of special-shaped products, the conformal mapping function can be set up to translate the cross-section region into unit dish region, over numerical finite interpolation points between even and odd. Products extrusion forming can be turned into two-dimension problem, and plastic stream function can be deduced, as well as the mathematical model of the die cavity surface is established based on deferent kinds of vertical curve. By applying Upper-bound Principle, the vertical curves and related parameters of die cavity are optimized. Combining with electrical discharge machining (EDM) process and numerical control (NC) milling machine technology, the optimal processing of die cavity can be realized. Taking ellipse-shaped products as an instance, the optimal analysis and processing of die cavity including extruding experiment are carried out.



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