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The Analysis of the Members' Subjective Apiration in GroupPsychological Counseling Process

作者:Zhang Chao Niu Tengqueinterpersonalpatterngrouppsychologicalcounselingsubjectiveapirationqualitativeanalysis

摘要:Objective This study aims to analyze interpersonal pattern gr-oup psychological counseling process for members' subjective apiration. Method Using Nvivo7.0 qualitative analysis software to do the transcripts c-oding analysis of interpersonal pattern group psychological counseling pro-cess. Result Through the qualitative analysis,we find that members' sub-jective apiration have two trends: One trend is with the group psycholo-gical counseling process for increasing;another kind is: increase--decrease--increase, specificly showing that::existing subjective apiration-- The subjective will weaken (because of denial and skepticism this group )or strengthen (accepting this group)-- the subjective apiration increases, applying new pattern in groups--the subjective apiration become specification, the new pattern to repl-ace the old pattern in life. Conclusion 1. In interpersonal group counseling process, members' subjective apiration exists two kinds of trend that to weakened after reinforcement and enhancement gradually strengthen; 2.Members' subjective apiration of group psychological counseling can influence the effect of group psychological counseling.



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