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Registration for GS New Factory in Thailand Accomplished

作者:Si; Xianchaothailandfactorygsproductiongeneral

摘要:Jiangsu General Science Technology Co.,Ltd.(GS) officially armounced on November 8 that the project implementation subject of its new factory,namely General Rubber (Thailand)Co.,Ltd.,had been registered in Thailand. According to GS,this factory,with total estimated investment of no more than USD 300 Million Yuan,will newly increase the annual production of 1million all-steel radial tires and 6 million semi-steel radial tires after completion.The production load of the Thailand factory is planned to achieve 100%in the third year of production.



《中国橡胶》(CN:11-3674/TQ)是一本有较高学术价值的大型月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《中国橡胶》重点关注:橡胶行业热点难点问题的深度报道和市场后市的深度分析,行业和企业诉求,政策解读,国内外行业和产品发展现状及前景分析、综述,企业品牌宣传和文化理念介绍,国内外先进技术、管理经验等介绍,重点企业宣传,具有保存价值的国内外统计数据等。
