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The BRAF^V600E mutation improve diagnostic sensitivity of thyroid nodules with benign or indeterminate cytology results

作者:Zhang; Wei; Ye; Danrong; Wang; Qingxua...thyroidcancermutationbenigncytologyindeterminate

摘要:Objective To investigate the role of BRAF^V600E mutation in diagnosis of thyroid nodules when it is inconsonant with cytological results.Methods This study included 9837 patients who underwent US-FNA.We mainly analyzed 239 cases with benign or indeterminate cytology,but having a detection of BRAF^V600E mutation.BRAF^V600E mutation analysis was performed using a Amplification Refractory Mutation System Polymerase Chain Reaction.Results In 93 nodules with benign cytology results but positive BRAF^V600E mutation,84 nodules were malignant.Based on the results,US-FNA combined with BRAF^V600E mutation analysis will improve sensitivity(Se=94.03%)and negative predictive value(NPV=2.69%)of the thyroid nodules diagnosis than using US-FNA alone(Se=71.03%,NPV=20.76%).Conclusion BRAFV600E mutation analysis is an important tool in the diagnosis of PTC with high sensitivity and NPV.When facing patients with benign or indeterminate cytology but positive BRAF^V600E mutation,thyroidectomy should be considered.



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