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Nutritional risks and defi ciencies pre and post bariatric surgery:Recommendations for optimal dietary management

作者:Amanda; Wray; Rachel; Davis; Nicholas;...dieteticscaloricrestrictionbariatricsurgerydietnutritionalstatusdietarysupplementsmalnutritioncounselling

摘要:Objective This paper aims to summarise the key recommendations from the most recent literature,to support Chinese bariatric surgeons and their multidisciplinary teams in the optimal nutritional management of their patients.There is a growing body of evidence that recognises the risk of untreated nutritional deficiencies pre and post bariatric surgery.This paper will focus on the most prevalent and catastrophic of nutritional consequences.Nutritional workup prior to surgery,in addition to postoperative nutrition follow up is highly desirable to avoid complications associated with restrictive diets and large variations in body mass[1].Dietetic counselling to address presurgical nutritional defi ciencies,appropriate use of presurgical Very Low-Calorie Diets(VLCD),postsurgical dietary protocol and adequate supplementation is prudent.Ensuring that patients are informed and prepared for the postsurgical restrictive dietary changes and lifestyle modifi cations is critical for long term success.Furthermore,longer term dietetic follow up can also monitor patient dietary compliance to avoid the extremes of nutritional defi ciency.Conclusions Pre and post bariatric nutritional screening and long term nutritional follow up in addition to adherence to a life-long nutritional supplementation regimen,is critical for successful postoperative outcomes.



