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Study of nano biosensors


摘要:Point of care testing (POCT) based on biosensors has been recently received increasingly interesting in the world. Using bioseensor technology for biomedical analysis has demonstrated many advantages. However, low cost and high accurate biosensors for clinical analysis, particulary for POCT is still a common problem for commercialization of the most biosensors. In this work, it has the goals to develop materials (including nano materials) and methods for producing disposable biosensors capeble with low cost, high reliability & sensitivity, robustness, low volume sample, and creating portahle sensor systems (Figure 1) for testing human metabelites, biochemical markers without reagents. On top of the use of electrochemical method and Nano, MEMS technology, hemoglobin, creative kinase, ainnine aminotransferas (ALT) Aspertote Aminotransferase (AST), glucose, lactate, ketone (β-Hydroxyhutyrate), chalesterol have been tested using thin film electrode biosensors, medified with nanopomus and nanostructured materials (Figure 2). The electrode has high surface-to-volume ratio and excellent hydrophilicity, thus the electrode possesses high catalytic activities for electrolytic processes end are ideal candidates for hiceensors. It is significant for the applications in clinical diagnosis of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, home health care. sports, physical performance of athletes, Mood screen. Glycated hemoglobin, creatine kinase MB (CK-MB), myoglobin, cardiac troponin I (cTnI), cardiac troponin T (cTnT) are interesting to be tested for the next study.



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