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Pharmacophenomics and Fangjiomics: new pharmacological research paradigm in era of precision medicine

作者:DUAN; Da-yue; YE; Ling-yupharmacophenomicsfangjiphenomicsprecisionmedicineproteomicsmetabolomics

摘要:Recent fast advance in biomedical research at the“omic”levels has led to an explosion of big data for the understanding the molecular makeup of diseases,which have revealed the intimate unmatched relationships between the genomic variabilities and the current organ-or system-based definition and classification of disease in Western medi⁃cine.The major challenges in the effort to establish and develop precision medicine are how diseases should be defined and classified in an integrated systemic or omic scale and also on an individualized basis.The phenomics approach to the understanding of diseases will allow the transition from focused phenotype/genotype studies to a systemic largescale phenome and genome,proteome,metabolome approach and the identification of a systemically integrated setof biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of disease phenome(or Zhenghou).Phenome-wide associated study(PheWAS)may soon lead the field of medical research and provide insightful and novel clues for redefinition of the disease phenome and its clinical classifications and personalized treatment and ultimately precision medicine.Pharma⁃cophenomics is to characterize the phenomes of drug response and also to identify the corresponding therapeutic targets at the level of systems biology.As a complement of pharmacogenomics/proteomics/metabolomics,pharmacoph⁃enomics offers a suite of new technologies and platforms for the transition from focused phenotype-genotype study to a systematic phenome-genome approach and refine drug research with systematically-defined drug response and thera⁃peutic targets.Therefore,pharmacophenomics will provide a new paradigm for the study of drug response including effects and toxicities at the level of systems biology and will identify the corresponding therapeutic targets and principles for combination treatment and prevention of disease using Fangji or Fufang that takes into account individual variability in genes,environment,and lifestyle for each person.



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