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Network pharmacology study of Chinese medicine Xiao-Xu-Ming decoction based on vasoconstrictor related GPCR targets

作者:Wen-dan; LU; Li; LI; Yan-jia; SHEN; Ru...

摘要:OBJECTIVE Using bioinformatics methods,to establish Xiao-Xu-Ming decoction(XX.MD) 'compound-vasoconstriction G Protein-Coupled Receptors(GPCR) targets' network,and analyze the vasoconstriction regulatory effective components and the potential targets of XXMD.METHODS Ac.cording to the XXMD herb sources,we retrieved the chemical structures from the national scientific da.ta sharing platform for population and health pharmaceutical information center,TCMSP database and the latest research literature.The chemical molecular library was established after class prediction and screening for medicinal and metabolic properties.Five kinds of vasoconstriction GPCR crystal structure including 5-HT receptors(5-HT1 AR,5-HT1 BR),AT1 R,β2-AR,hUTR and ETB were retrieved from Bank Pro.tein Data Bank database or homology modeling using Discovery Studio 4.1 built-in modeling tools.After virtual screening by Libdock molecular docking,the highest rated 50 compounds of each target were col.lected and analyzed.The collected data were further used to construct and analyze the network.RE.SULTS 859 single compound structures information in XXMD were generalized following the screen.ing of obtained 2043 compounds.The complicated compound-vasoconstriction GPCR targets network of XXMD was then constructed and analyzed by molecular docking with the above five kinds of GPCR target receptors.Most of the chemical composition effects were associated with different vasoconstric.tion GPCR targets,while a few effective components can be applied to multiple GPCR targets at the same time,therefore forming synergies.CONCLUSION Vasorelaxant effects of XXMD may not only result from the collaborative interaction between a variety of active ingredients in Chinese medicine and multi.ple targets,but also from the interaction between some effective component and multiple targets.



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