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Correlation between insulin resistance index and hypoxia in obese rat model base on blood gas analyzing

作者:Guo-wei; ZENG; Yi-xuan; SHENG; Bing-ta...

摘要:OBJECTIVE To explorethe correlation betweenhypoxiaand insulin resistance bythe blood gas index in high-fat diets-induced obese rat model.METHODS 36% of high-fat diets were fed to SD male rats for 12 weeks.The model group was divided into IR group and non-IR group with the HOMA-IR index of the 12th week,and the abdominal aorta blood was taken for blood gas analysis.RESULTS The HOMA-IR index,Hct,ctHb and ctO2 in IR group were significantly higher than those in normal group andnon-IR group(P>0.05),simultaneously no significant difference in pO2,pCO2 and sO2 between tree groups.CONCLUSION Circulating blood of obese rat with insulin resistance is normoxia,accompanied by higher Hct,tHb and ctO2,which may be due to the higher blood viscositand the selfregulation of chronic hypoxia in the body.



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