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Comparison of preventive and therapeutic effect on cardio-cerebral ischemic disease between salvianolic acids and aspirin

作者:Jun-tian; ZHANG; Shi-feng; CHU; Guan-h...

摘要:Aspirin(AS) has been widely used globally for preventing incidence of cardio-cerebral ischemic disease for nearly 100 years.The people who takes AS for long term may reach several hun.dred million,but many persons were died from interned bleeding.We found salvianolic acids(salvianolic acid B 57%,salvianolic acid A 1%,rosmarinic acid,35%,SA) was much better than AS in preventing in.cidence of cardio-cerebral ischemic disease,and may avoid hemorrhage risk in clinical application.The research are summary briefly as follows:(1) both AS and AS have same anti-platelet aggregation ef.fect,but their mechanism is different.AS inhibited both TXA2 and PGI2,SA inhibited TXA2 only;(2) For established thrombosis,SA could dissolved it,AS showed no effect.The thrombolytic mechanism of SA has been elucidated.(3) In SHRSP rats,the incidence of stroke and death rate in SA group was distinct less that of AS group;(4) In MCAO rats,SA and Sal B decreased stroke index and neural im.pairment.AS showed no such ability;(5) There is microcirculatory disturbance in cardio-cerebral ischemic disease.SA could improve circulatory disturbance induced by LPS,adrenaline,ROS and I/r.there is no any paper reported AS could have beneficial effect on above mentioned microcirculatory dis.turbance models;(6) Hyperlipidemia is an independent risk factor for cardio-cerebral vascular disease.SA could significant hypolipidemic effect which is similar to that of statins(atovastin and simvastin) and ten times stronger than omega-3.AS has no inhibitory effect on hyperlipidemia.(7) Thereis overproduc.tion of ROS induced by ischemic/reperfusion in cardio-cererbal vascular disease.SA showed more ro.bust,anti-oxidant capacity than VitC,Vit E,melatonin,edalavone and resveratrol,etc.SA is one of the most powerful anti-oxidant in the world so far.(8) According to literatures,1/3 patients who take AS for long time will have hemorrhage,we found in normal rats and mice(coagulating and hemodynamics)SA had no apparent effect on coagulation system and this property of SA w



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