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Traditional Chinese medicine target identification based on 'Target Fishing' strategy

作者:Ke-wu; ZENG

摘要:OBJECTIVE Our group mainly focuses on the target identification and pharmacological mechanism study of TCM.We deeply identified the direct targets of the active ingredients in TCM using molecule probe-’Target Fishing’ technology in chemical biology,and explored the related signaling pathways to explain the traditional efficiency of TCM.METHODS We synthesized biotin-tagged mole.cule probe by connecting biotin tag to TCM active molecule using PGE as a linker.Then,the biotintagged molecule probe was bound to the surface of solid beads by strong biotin-avidin interaction.Thus,the molecule probe-bound beads were mixed with cell lysates to capture the potential targets and identified by MS.RESULTS Our study found that SA which was an anti-inflammatory compound.could selectively bind to IMPDH2 in microglial cells,and SA showed weaker anti-inflammatory effect on IMPDH2-knock down microglial cells,suggesting IMPDH2 as a key anti-inflammatory target for SA.Ad.ditionally,handelin was a key anti-inflammatory compound.We identified the target protein of handelin as Hsp70 from microglial cells using target pull-down technology.Moreover,handelin showed weaker anti-inflammatory effect on Hsp70-knock down microglial cells,revealing that Hsp70 was the direct antiinflammatory target of handelin.CONCLUSION Our study provided methodology references for TCM target identification in the future,and also showed a new insight for exploring the pharmacological mechanism of TCM active ingredients.More importantly,we can perform scientific annotation for TCM efficiency by clarifying the biological functions of each target protein,showing important significance on modernization and internationalization of TCM.



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