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Diabetic cognitive dysfunction: a long and strenuous way from bench to clinical


摘要:Type 2 diabetes increase the risk of development of cognitive dysfunction in the elderly, in the form of short-term memory and executive function deficits. Genetic and diet-induced models of type 2 diabetes further sup- port this link displaying deficits in working memory, learning, and memory performance. The risk factors for dia- betic cognitive dysfunction include vascular disease, hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, adiposity, lifestyle factors, and genetic factors. Using neuronimage technologies, diabetic patients with cognitive dysfunction shows whole brain atrophy, gray matter atrophy, hippocampal atrophy, and amygdala atrophy, increased ventricular volume and white matter volume, brain infarcts, impaired network integrity, microstructural abnormality, reduced cerebral blood flow and amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations. The pathogenesis mechanisms of type 2 diabetes with cognitive dys- function involve hyperglycemia, macrovascular and microvascular diseases, insulin resistance, inflammation, apop- tosis, impaired neurogenesis, impaired blood-brain barrier, and disorder neurotransmitters. Some antidiabetic drugs and Traditional Chinese Medicine partly improve diabetic cognitive dysfunction, but more clinical investigations are demanded to verify their efficiencies and novel drugs are urgent need to develop. Large clinical studies will provide further evidences of risks factors and biomarkers for diabetic cognitive dysfunction. Both novel disease animal mod- els and advanced neuronimage technologies will help to investigate the exact pathogenesis mechanisms and to devel- op better therapeutic interventions and treatment.



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