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Trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR 1 ) agonists as novel pharmacotherapy for drug addiction


摘要:Substance abuse remains a challenging clinical issue. In particular, psychostimulant abuse affects a large population but currently there is no effective medication available. Recent evidence suggest that trace amine-associ- ated receptor 1 (TAAR 1 ) interacts with central dopaminergic system in the reward circuitry, and therefore may be useful against certain forms of drug addiction. My talk will cover several recent studies that utilized pharmacologi- cally selective TAAR 1 agonists in well-validated rodent models of drug abuse and addiction which consistently showed that pharmacologically activation TAAR 1 dramatically reduced cocaine and methamphetamine intake, at- tenuated the rewarding effects of cocaine, and prevented both environmental cue- and drug-prime induced relapse to these results have offered behavioral evidence that TAAR 1 agonists are effica- drug-taking behaviors. Combined, cious against psychostimulant addiction in preclinical studies.



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