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Clustering in the Wireless Channel with a Power Weighted Statistical Mixture Model in Indoor Scenario

作者:Yupeng; Li; Jianhua; Zhang; Pan; Tang;...channelmultipathclusteringmmwavegaussianmixturemodelexpectationmaximizationvariationalbayesianinference

摘要:Cluster-based channel model is the main stream of fifth generation mobile communications, thus the accuracy of clustering algorithm is important. Traditional Gaussian mixture model (GMM) does not consider the power information which is important for the channel multipath clustering. In this paper, a normalized power weighted GMM (PGMM) is introduced to model the channel multipath components (MPCs). With MPC power as a weighted factor, the PGMM can fit the MPCs in accordance with the cluster-based channel models. Firstly, expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is employed to optimize the PGMM parameters. Then, to further increase the searching ability of EM and choose the optimal number of components without resort to cross-validation, the variational Bayesian (VB) inference is employed. Finally, 28 GHz indoor channel measurement data is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the PGMM clustering algorithm.



