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Domain-Oriented Software Defined Computing Architecture

作者:Ping; Lv; Qinrang; Liu; Hongchang; Che...softwaredefinedhardwarecomputingarchitecturehierarchicalinterconnectionelement

摘要:With the introduction of software defined hardware by DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative,software definition will be the basic attribute of information system.Benefiting from boundary certainty and algorithm aggregation of domain applications,domain-oriented computing architecture has become the technical direction that considers the high flexibility and efficiency of information system.Aiming at the characteristics of data-intensive computing in different scenarios such as Internet of Things(IoT),big data,artificial intelligence(AI),this paper presents a domain-oriented software defined computing architecture,discusses the hierarchical interconnection structure,hybrid granularity computing element and its computational kernel extraction method,finally proves the flexibility and high efficiency of this architecture by experimental comparison.



