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Dynamic Matching-Based Spectrum Detection in Cognitive Radio Networks

作者:Yu; Gu; Qingqi; Pei; Hongning; Licognitiveradiospectrumsensingdegradationdomaindynamicmatching

摘要:Cognitive Radio Network provides an opportunity to reduce the spectrum resource crisis by allowing secondary users to access the idle spectrum allocated to primary users.The precondition of spectrum sharing is to obtain the Spectrum Availability Information(SAI).Energy detection is a typical technology to get SAI.With the mobility of primary users,the energy received by secondary users varies greatly with the distance from the target primary users.Most of the existing energy detection algorithms that use fixed thresholds are not suitable.We propose a Dynamic Matching-Based Spectrum Detection(DMBSD)scheme which can detect sensing data,reduce the impact of malicious data and make final sensing results more accurate with dynamic threshold setting and data matching.Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can detect tempered data,and increase detection probability by decreasing false alarm probability and missed detection probability.



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