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Design and Implementation of an SDN-Enabled DNS Security Framework

作者:Zhenpeng; Wang; Hongchao; Hu; Guozhen;...dnscachepoisoningattacksoftwaredefinednetworkingmovingtargetdefensedynamicheterogeneousredundant

摘要:The Domain Name System(DNS)is suffering from the vulnerabilities exploited to launch the cache poisoning attack.Inspired by biodiversity,we design and implement a non-intrusive and tolerant secure architecture Multi-DNS(MDNS)to deal with it.MDNS consists of Scheduling Proxy and DNS server pool with heterogeneous DNSs in it.And the Scheduling Proxy dynamically schedules m DNSs to provide service in parallel and adopts the vote results from majority of DNSs to decide valid replies.And benefit from the centralized control of software defined networking(SDN),we implement a proof of concept for it.Evaluation results prove the validity and availability of MDNS and its intrusion/fault tolerance,while the average delay can be controlled in 0.3s.



