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Cost-Aware Multi-Domain Virtual Data Center Embedding

作者:Xiao; Ma; Zhongbao; Zhang; Sen; Suvirtualdatacenterembeddinglabelpropagation

摘要:Virtual data center is a new form of cloud computing concept applied to data center.As one of the most important challenges,virtual data center embedding problem has attracted much attention from researchers.In data centers,energy issue is very important for the reality that data center energy consumption has increased by dozens of times in the last decade.In this paper,we are concerned about the cost-aware multi-domain virtual data center embedding problem.In order to solve this problem,this paper first addresses the energy consumption model.The model includes the energy consumption model of the virtual machine node and the virtual switch node,to quantify the energy consumption in the virtual data center embedding process.Based on the energy consumption model above,this paper presents a heuristic algorithm for cost-aware multi-domain virtual data center embedding.The algorithm consists of two steps:inter-domain embedding and intra-domain embedding.Inter-domain virtual data center embedding refers to dividing virtual data center requests into several slices to select the appropriate single data center.Intra-domain virtual data center refers to embedding virtual data center requests in each data center.We first propose an inter-domain virtual data center embedding algorithm based on label propagation to select the appropriate single data center.We then propose a cost-aware virtual data center embedding algorithm to perform the intra-domain data center embedding.Extensive simulation results show that our proposed algorithm in this paper can effectively reduce the energy consumption while ensuring the success ratio of embedding.



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