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作者:樊揪顺 王云 Jiu-shun稽留流产解脲支原体感染关系ureainducedabortioninfectionrateincidence实验组女性下生殖道感染率对照组relationship统计学意义培养法检测宫颈分泌物womendifference蜕膜组织人工流产胚胎发育

摘要:目的 探讨解脲支原体(UU)感染与稽留流产的关系,以降低稽留流产的发生率.方法 应用培养法检测80例稽留流产患者(实验组)及80例正常人工流产(或引产)患者(对照组)宫颈分泌物的UU感染率.结果 实验组UU感染率为41.25%(33/80),对照组为6.25%(5/80),两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 定植在女性下生殖道的UU可引起逆行感染,损伤早孕蜕膜组织,损害胎儿的生长,引起胚胎发育停止而死亡. Abstract: Objective To investigate the relationship between urea plasma urealyticum(UU) infection and missed abortion, and to reduce the incidence rate of missed abortion.Methods One hundred and sixty women with abortion were selected for this study and divided into two groups: group missed abortion (n=80) and group spontaneous or induced abortion (n=80). Endocervical swabs were taken from these women. The swabs were used for UU cultivation respectively and the infection rates were compared. Results The infection rate of group missed abortion was 41.25%(33/80) and the infection rate of group spontaneous or induced abortion was 6.25%(5/80).There was significantly difference between the two groups (P<0.01).Conclusions The infection of UU may be one of the causes of missed abortion.



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