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作者:于瑞娜 秦石成 王学清 何垚 Rui-na Shi-c...血管回声跟踪技术技术检测颈动脉弹性变化主动脉瓣钙化冠心病coronaryheartdiseaseaorticvalvecarotidarteryechochdultrasoundexaminationangiographyelasticitymodulus预测价值弹性减退超声观察脉搏波传导速度resultswavevelocity

摘要:目的 应用血管回声跟踪技术检测颈动脉弹性变化及二维超声观察主动脉瓣钙化,研究二者与冠状动脉粥样硬化关系及预测价值.方法 应用血管回声跟踪技术对196例行冠脉造影(CAG)受检者进行颈总动脉检查,记录血管弹性指标,包括弹性系数(Ep)、僵硬度(β)、顺应性(AC)、脉搏波传导速度(PWVβ).同时二维超声观察主动脉瓣有无钙化,并将上述结果与CAG结果进行t检验.结果 颈动脉弹性减退与冠脉病变的相关性:β、Ep与CHD呈正相关(r=0.281,r=0.253,P<0.01,P<0.05),AVC与CHD呈正相关(r=0.173,P<0.05).结论 颈动脉弹性减退及主动脉瓣钙化是冠心病的高危因素,对冠心病有较大的预测价值. Abstract: Objective To study the relationship and predictive value of variation of carotid artery elasticity detected by echotracking (ET) technique and aortic valve calcification detected by two - dimensional ultrasonography with coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods The carotid artery elasticity of 196 cases who underwent coronary angiography(CAG) for suspected CHD were detected by echotracking (ET) technique and the indicators of artery elasticity were recorded, which includes elasticity modulus ( Ep), stiffness parameter ( β ), arterial compliance ( AC ) and pulse wave velocity ( PWVβ ).And aortic valve calcification was detected by two - dimensional ultrasonography, T test was carried out between the results of ultrasound examination and CAG. Results The indicators β, EP of carotid artery elasticity were positively correlated with the extent of CHD( r =0. 281,0.253; P < 0.01, < 0.05). In the mean time, positive correlation between aortic valve calcification and the extent of CHD was found (r = 0. 173, P < 0.05). Conclusions Carotid artery elasticity reducing and AVC are high risk factors of CHD and have great values in predicting CHD.



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