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作者:刘景霞 苏钦峰 Jing-xia Qin-feng食管念珠菌感染念珠茵感染基础疾病basisresults抗生素diagnosisofinformation实验室检查回顾性分析complexitytreatmenteffective临床资料中心医院药物治疗医院医师细胞涂片胃镜检查

摘要:目的 回顾性分析48例食管念珠茵感染患者的临床资料.方法 对2000年1月至2009年5月禹州市中心医院胃镜室确诊的48例食管念珠茵感染患者资料根据性别、年龄、临床表现、内镜所见、实验室检查、基础疾病、治疗及结果进行汇总分析.结果 胃镜检查并黏膜刷检细胞涂片是诊断食管念珠菌感染的首选方法,该病多同时合并有基础疾病,抗真菌药物治疗有效.结论 近年食管念珠茵感染有上升趋势,其病因复杂,与基层医院医师广泛应用抗生素有很大关系,合理、规范应用抗生素应引起重视. Abstract: Objective To retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of esophageal candidiasis in 48 patients. Methods From January 2000 to May 2009, 48 cases of esophageal candidiasis in patients with information on the basis of gender, age, clinical manifestations, endoscopic view, laboratory tests, the basis of disease, treatment and the results were analyzed retrospectively. Results The tests of gastroscopy and mucosal cell brush biopsy smear diagnosis of esophageal candidiasis was the preferred method, the disease associated with the basis of many diseases at the same time, effective antifungal therapy. Conclusions Esophageal candidiasis in recent years, there is an upward trend, the cause of the complexity of the hospital doctors and the wider use of the grass-roots level has a lot of antibiotics, rational,standardized use of antibiotics should be attention.



《中国实用医刊》(CN:11-5689/R)是一本有较高学术价值的大型半月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《中国实用医刊》面向临床、面向基层、刊登临床各专业(包括护理)的新理论、新方法、新成果和新经验决结等。
