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作者:宋清荣 周福有 耿明飞 李英 王卫杰 苏文...低分子量肝素胸部肿瘤高凝血状态病人围术期临床应用lowmolecularweightheparin血栓性疾病疾病发生率operationtreatedlungcancerapplication术中出血量effectivecarcinoma预防皮下注射明显效果安全可靠

摘要:目的 使用低分子量肝素(LMWH)预防胸部肿瘤合并高凝血状态病人的围术期血栓性疾病的发生.方法 对2006年1月至2007年10月我科收治的合并高凝血状态的食管癌、贲门癌、肺癌病人,在围术期皮下注射低分子量肝素,每日1次,从术前3~5 d开始直至病人下床,观察术中出血量及术后胸液量,并统计血栓性疾病发生率.结果 该组病人围术期血栓性疾病发生率得到了明显控制.结论 低分子量肝素对预防胸部肿瘤合并高凝血状态病人的围术期血栓性疾病的发生有明显效果,安全可靠. Abstract: Objective To evaluate the efficacy of low molecular weight heparin for preventing thromboembolism disease in perioperative of thoracic tumor with blood hypercoagulabale state. Methods From January 2006 to October 2007, we diagnosed and treated 72 patients with lung cancer and carcinoma of esophagus and cardia. All the patients were treated with LMWH qd from the 3 -5 days before operation until ambulation after operation. To observe the postoperative total amount effusion and to statistic of incidence of thromboembolism disease. Results Incidence of thromboembolism disease decreased more significantly of this group than usual. Conclusions Application of LMWH for preventing thromboembolism disease in periopetive of thoracic tumor with blood hypercoagulabale state is an effective, safe and reliable treatment.



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