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Rheological and Thermal Properties of Potato Starch

作者:ZhongGeng; LiTian-zhen; ZhangWei-min; ...马铃薯淀粉流变学性质热学性质差示扫描量热法

摘要:Particle size, rheological and thermal properties of potato starch from Yunnan province of China was in-vestigated. The particle size ranges from 0.429-102.3 um determined by laser light-scatter. The major flow type of 6 w/v% potato starch was shear-thinning fluid even the shear rate up to 800·s-1, and the gel formed by 6 w/v% potato starch fell to weak gel for its little difference between G' and G'', high dependence on frequency and low value of G'(Pa). The hardness and cohesiveness of potato starch gel were 31.3 g and 131.9 g·s, respectively. The thermal properties of potato starch were also determined by DSC at the starch:water=3:1. The To, Tp, and ΔH of potato starch were 62.23℃,67.31℃, and 2.22 J·g-1.



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