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Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


摘要:Gross Domestic Product (GDP) refers to the final products at market prices produced by all reside nt units in a country (or a region) during a certain period of time. Gross domestic product is expressed in three differe nt forms, i.e. value, in come, and products respectively. GDP in its value form refers to the total valueof all goods and services produced by all reside nt units duri ng a certai n period of time, minus the total value of in put of goods and services of the n ature of non -fixed assets;in other term, it is the sum of the value-added of all reside nt units. GDP in the form of income in eludes the in come created by all resident units and distributed to reside nt and non-reside nt units. GDP in the form of products refers to the value of all goods and services for final consumption by all resident units minus the net exports of goods and services during a given period of time. In the practice of national accounting, gross domestic product is calculated with three approaches, i.e. production approach, income approach and expenditure approach, which reflect gross domestic product and its composition from different aspects.



《中国经济景气月报》(CN:11-4434/F11-4434/F)是一本有较高学术价值的大型月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《中国经济景气月报》每月以滚动更新的方式公布中国最新的主要经济统计数据,的基本统计指标数据多达千余项,是一本全面、系统、及时反映中国经济发展情况的中、英文双语刊物。
