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The Mechanisms and Applications of Quorum Sensing(QS) and Quorum Quenching(QQ)

作者:ZHANG; Jingjing; FENG; Tao; WANG; Jiay...quorumsensingquenchingmarinemicroorganismsantibioticresistance

摘要:Quorum sensing(QS)is a regulatory system that regulates the behavior of microbial populations by sensing the concentration of signal molecules that are spontaneously produced and released by bacteria.The strategy of blocking the QS system and inhibiting the production of virulence factors is termed as quorum quenching(QQ).This strategy attenuates virulence without killing the pathogens,thereby weakening the selective pressure on pathogens and postponing the evolution of QQ-mediated drug resistance.In recent years,there have been significant theoretical and practical developments in the field of QS and QQ.In particular,with the development and utilization of marine resources,more and more marine microbial species have been found to be regulated by these two mechanisms,further promoting the research progress of QS and QQ.In this review,we described the diversity of QS signals and QS-related regulatory systems,and then introduced mechanisms related to QS interference,with particular emphasis on the description of natural QQ enzymes and chemicals acting as QS inhibitors.Finally,the exploitation of quorum sensing quenchers and the practical application of QQ were introduced,while some QQ strategies were proposed as promising tools in different fields such as medicine,aquaculture,agriculture and biological pollution prevention areas.



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