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Molecular Characterization,Tissue Distribution and Localization of Larimichthys crocea Kif3a and Kif3b and Expression Analysis of Their Genes During Spermiogenesis

作者:MU; Danli; DU; Chen; FU; Suyan; WANG; ...larimichthyscroceaspermiogenesisexpressionpattern

摘要:KIF3A and KIF3B are two N-terminal motor proteins belonging to the kinesin-II superfamily that play essential roles in spermiogenesis.To understand the roles played by KIF3 A/3B during spermatogenesis of large yellow croaker Larimichthys crocea,we studied the testis characteristics at different developmental stages of L.crocea,and determined the spatiotemporal expression patterns of kif3a and kif3b during spermiogenesis.Quantitative real-time PCR(qR T-PCR)showed that the overall trends of kif3 a/3 b m RNA abundance during testis development are similar.From stage Ⅱ to stage V,kif3a/3b m RNA abundances first increased and then fell after reaching a peak at stage IV.Interestingly,the m RNA abundances of both genes at stage V were higher than those at stages Ⅱ and Ⅲ.In addition,it is worth of noting that kif3 b m RNA abundance was higher than that of kif3a at all stages.Fluorescence in situ hybridization results revealed that kif3a/3b m RNA abundance dynamics were consistent with the migration of mitochondria,the deformation of nucleus,and the formation of tail.The m RNA hybridization signals of both genes first appeared either around the nuclear periphery or on the side of the nuclei,then appeared at one side of nuclei,and finally were mainly on the tail during spermiogenesis.Our findings contributed to better understanding the molecular mechanisms of spermiogenesis in fish;and suggested that KIF3A and KIF3B may participate in the intracellular transport of mitochondria,nuclear deformation,and the formation of tail during the spermiogenesis in L.crocea.



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