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A Preliminary Genetic Linkage Map of Sinonovacula constricta(Lamarck, 1818) Based on Microsatellites Derived from RAD Sequencing

作者:WU; Xueping; FENG; Yanwei; JIANG; Hail...linkagemapssinonovaculaconstrictamicrosatellitemarkerradsequencing

摘要:Sinonovacula constricta is one of the important economic aquaculture species in China. In this study, we constructed genetic linkage maps of S. constricta based on 300 microsatellite markers derived from RAD-seq using an F1 full-sib family. The female map contained 204 microsatellites assigned to 22 linkage groups, which covered 1529.5 cM with an average interval of 10.3 cM. The male consisted of 187 microsatellites in 19 linkage groups corresponding to the haploid chromosome number(n(28)19), which spanned 1429.3 cM with an average interval of 8.7 cM. The genome coverage was approximately 83.5% and 81.4%, respectively. An integrated map was constructed according to the common markers in parental linkage groups, which had a total length of 1683.8 cM with an average interval of 7.3 cM. The genome coverage of the integrated map was approximately 86.3%. The genetic linkage map would form the foundation for further studies on the quantitative trait loci(QTL), as well as accelerating the breeding process of this species.



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