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Scattering Process of Internal Waves Propagating over a Subcritical Strait Slope onto a Shelf Region

作者:DAI; Dejun; WANG; Wei; QIAO; Fangli; Y...海峡内波海洋动力学跃层

摘要:The scattering process, which means the redistribution of energy fluy in modenumber space, is analyzed for internal waves propagating from the abyssal ocean onto a subcritical strait slope and then a shelf region. In light of Wunsch's work, the waves are analytically expressed as superimposition of eigensolutions. Two parameters have evident effects on the distribution of energy flux in the shelf region: one is the ratio of water depth in the shelf region to that in the abyssal ocean and the other is the ratio of the slope of the internal tide rays to the topographic slope. Generally, there are two patterns of energy flux distribution: the energy flux is focused around one modenumber or focused around two modenumbers. In any case, the range of modenumbers where energy flux is distributed is narrow.



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