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A New Method for the Non-destructive Determination of Fish Freshness by Nuclear Imaging

作者:LIU; Zhongdong; LI; Zhenxing; LIN; Hon...淡水鱼类放射性rai感官评价非破坏性安全性

摘要:A new method for determining the freshness of harvested carp using nuclear imaging technology is presented.This research attempted to determine the freshness of carp by measuring the radioactive area increase (RAI) value of fish.The carp samples were maintained under refrigerated condition for 12 d, and RAI and total volatile base nitrogen (T-VBN)values were determined during the storage. The results showed that the RAI value increased with the T-VBN content during the storage. Also, there is a significant correlation between T-VBN content and RAI value of the carp kept in refrigerated condition. The results of this study suggest that the RAI value could be utilized to evaluate rapidly the freshness of carp.



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